BEARS is one of the BUSD run before and after-school care programs. Costs are on a sliding scale. For more information contact Zachary Pless at: Zachary_pless@berkeley.k12.ca.us, 510-644-7770, or Brenda Ramirez, brendaramirez@berkeley.net
Kids in Motion is a fully state licensed, staffed child care program. For more information, visit www.kidsinmo.com or contact Troy Thompson (director) at kidsinmo@sbcglobal.net, or by calling 510-549-9247.
The PTA sponsors after-school enrichment classes called “IntraMUIRals” to provide opportunities for students to strengthen school connections and explore additional interests after school hours. These classes are held at school, immediately after the regular school day ends. Your child can still participate in them even if they are enrolled in BEARS or Kids in Motion.
After school enrichment classes vary from semester to semester, but include:
Track and Field
Cooking / Baking
Spanish / French
And many more…
IntraMUIRral inquires: jmintramuirals@gmail.com